Emma Bunton has been left heartbroken after being forced to cancel two shows of her festive tour on Friday and Saturday due to her health. The former Spice Girl had been due to perform in the city on Saturday 17 December, but with hours to go before doors open, announced it would not be going ahead.
In a statement, Emma said she was ‘heartbroken’ and felt she had ‘let so many of you down’ as she shared a photo of herself looking downcast. She wrote: ‘I feel like I have let so many of you down today and it has left me heartbroken.’
Emma Bunton 46, did not reveal the nature of her illness but did tell fans that she is unable to perform and has been advised by doctors not to go ahead with the shows.
She said: ‘I am absolutely devastated’ as she took to Instagram to apologise to fans and share her sadness over cancelling the scheduled performances in York and Birmingham. she added that this is a first since rising to fame over 25 years ago, Emma continued that she ‘can’t stop crying’.
Emma was scheduled to perform at the York Barbican on Friday but cancelled the show 90 minutes beforehand, while announcing on Saturday morning that her evening show at Birmingham’s Symphony Hall also won’t go ahead.
Adding that this is a first since rising to fame over 25 years ago, Emma continued that she ‘can’t stop crying’.