Jaden Smith, 24-year-old actor and singer has been designing for some time and his latest MSFTSrep collection – entitled Trippy Summer – features a sunflower hat.
Jaden Smith says he included a sunflower hat with his new clothing line after being inspired by a costume worn by his dad in a “super embarrassing” episode of ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel Air’. Jaden told the new issue of Footwear News about including a sunflower-shaped hat with the range: “I wanted to make people into plants, to turn people into flowers. Being part of nature is the highest level of consciousness.”
Jaden Smith stated: “I thought back to an episode of the ‘Fresh Prince’, where something happens that my dad has to dress up like a sunflower. The episode was super embarrassing for him, but I was like this is an amazing idea of how to turn someone into a flower.”
He added about his other innovations: “I’ve been making these new headpieces as a kind of psychedelic statement piece that you would wear to show people how you feel about the world and how different and strange you might be.” Jaden also said his brand is “catered to people who feel different and weird, like they don’t fit in”.
He added: “There’s a pain sometimes, when you feel like you are something else, that you can’t express yourself, and there’s a pain when you can’t express yourself. So this is for those people who just want to express themselves. It makes people smile.”